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Event Feeds and iCal Connections Now Publicly Available

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    Gordon Smith

I know official updates have been few and far between lately, but we've still been working in the background, improving and adding to ChronicleBot. A lot of that effort the last few months has been going towards getting Event Feeds and iCal Connections ready for release and inclusion in our free tier offerings.

I'm happy to announce that Event Feeds and iCal Connections are no longer beta features.

Event Feeds

Event Feeds can pull events from a Discord Server and send them to a Google Calendar. As Discord Events are created, updated, and deleted in your Discord Server, the changes are sent to your connected Google Calendar in real time.

Event Feed adding, updating, and canceling Google Calendar events from Discord

Unlicensed Discord servers now have one limited Event Feed available to sync your next seven days of events. Discord servers with a Premium License can create multiple Event Feeds with no time range limitation on syncing events.

iCal Connections

Notifiers have always supported pulling events from Google Calendars, but sometimes you find an iCal event feed on the internet you would like to use instead (I'm looking at you FIFA calendar). You could import that iCal into Google Calendar, but Google refreshes iCal feeds sporadically, so updates may take a long time to process. Instead, you can add iCal feeds (or URLs that end in .ics) directly into your Notifier's calendar connections.

Once added, ChronicleBot will refresh your iCal feed every 12 hours (or every hour if you have a Premium License) and send reminders, summaries, and Discord Events based on your Notifier settings. A few features (calendar colors, event-specific reminders, and calendar-wide reminders, for example) won't work as iCal doesn't support them; otherwise, it should work as expected.

We hope you enjoy these additions and as always, if you have any questions or feedback feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Mastodon, or Twitter.