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New Feature
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Reminders Times Added to Notifiers

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    Gordon Smith

Today's update is a new feature I've been working on for a few weeks.

Chronicle has been using the reminders set in a Google Calendar for the times to send Discord messages. While that makes it easy to customize the reminders for a specific event, it is tedious if you want all events to have the same reminder times.

New Event Reminders

With this update, you can set reminder times from within Chronicle. These reminders will apply to all events found by the notifier.

If you wish to customize the reminders for a specific event, you can still set Google Calendar-based reminders. These will be combined to give you the most flexibility.

If you don't wish to use Google Calendar reminder times, there is now a toggle switch to disable these. Please note, though, if you turn off this toggle and don't set at least one Chronicle Reminder, then the bot will send no reminder messages to your channel.

Next up:
I think it is about time to get this bot listed on a few Discord bot directories such as and so people can start finding it. We can apply for Discord verification once we get a few more server installs, and these directories could help.